torsdag 12. november 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

I think it was a very good movie, with a sweet love story. It shows us how the poor people live in India, in the slum areas, and how desperat people are after money.

The movie was very exiting and sometimes a little scary. I think the characters played their rolls good. Especially the boy who played Jamal and the girl who played Latika. The was a lot of good music too, that made the movie even more exiting. Now I understand why the movie has won so many prices and Oscars.

I felt bad for Jamal, who was a good boy that only wanted to be with the girl he loved. He had too deal with soo many things too make it. So I liked that the move had a good ending. But it was sad that Jamals brother was killed, even thouh I think that he deserved it a little after what he did too Latika and his own brother. But in the end he showed the good part of himself and helped them, even thouh it cost his own life.

fredag 6. november 2009

Analyse av novella denne mannen og denne kvinna

Denne mannen og denne kvinna er en novelle av Anna Gavalda. Den står i novellesamlinga Eg vil at nokon skal vente på meg fra 2005.
Sjanger : Novelle.

Penger: Jeg mener at penger er hovedtemaet et eksempel på det er « Bilen kosta tre hundre og tjue tusen francs og pussig nok var det særleg prisen på avgiftsstempelet som fekk mannen til og nøle hos Biltilsynet.»

Utroskap: «Og ellers bedrar han ikkje kona si lenger etter at dei mora seg, han og Antoine Say, men å rekne ut kva det ville koste i bidrag under eit slag golf.»

Svik: når kona vet mannen har vært utro.

Lengsel: «Ho tenkjer at ho aldri har blitt elska, ho tenkjer at ho ikkje har barn, ho tenkjer på den vesle guten til forpakktarkona som heiter Kevin og blir tre år i januar ...»

Novella handler om en man og ei kvinne som er ulykkelig gift, de er veldig rike. Mannen har vært utro mot kona, men er det ikke nå, pågrunn av økonomiske grunner. Dama vet at ektemannen har vært utro. Og det visker som om de er sammen av økonomiske grunner. Hun er trist for at hu aldri har blitt elsket.

Tittelen på novella passe bra siden vi får se hvordan denne mannen og denne kvinna føler det. Det er veldig upersonlig tittel men, det virker som om de er veldig fremmed for hverandre.

Det er brukt mange skildringer i novella som foreksempel «panel i alle rom, ein peis som blei demontert og sett saman att stein på stein etter at dei fekk ei openberring hos ein engelsk antikvitshandlar. I vindugangene har dei tunge gardiner haldne oppe av gardinhalarar.»

“Denne mannen og denne kvinna” har en tredjeforteller det vil si at fortelleren står utenfor handlingen. Og har tilsyn i hovedpersonene og leseren får ta en del av mannen og kvinnes syn av det som skjer og vi får høre det de tenker.

Handlinger tar sted i en bil.

Det er få personer med i novella kun mannen, kona og noen andre personer som blir nevnt.
Det er in i medias res, det starter med at de sitter i bilden. Så får vi høre hva mannen tenker og da bygger spenningen seg opp.
Novella er bygd opp slik at vi får vite om hvordan livet til denne kona og mannen er.
Novella er bygg opp med tilbakeblikk.

Mannen blir skildret som en svært kynisk man, og svært opptatt av penger og økonomi, som tror han er mye bedre enn alle andre. Han går veldig pent kledd. Han har vært utro mot kona mange ganger, og det tyder på at han ikke elsker kona si.

Kona heter Mathilde, hu er pen, men hele ansiktet viser at hun har gitt avkall på livet. Hun har ingen barn og hun føler at hun aldri har blitt har blitt elsket.

Det virker som om de ikke har et nært forhold til hverandre eksempler på det er «dei har passert bomstasjonen. Dei har ikkje veksla eit einaste ord, og dei har enno eit godt stykke igjen»
Min tolkning av novella er at penger skaper ikke lykke.

søndag 1. november 2009


I am laying in the bed, I got to get some sleep. Today has been a hard, but also a very nice day.

Yesterday I came to England, which is a small country with many people. In England it is 51 mill. inhabitants. I love the country, it has many exciting cities, and a green and lush countryside. It is similar to Norway in many ways.

I'm staying in a hotel in the capital London. London is one of the largest cities in Europe, and has a long and rich history.

Today I have been on the London Eye, which is a large Ferris wheel with a height of 135 meters. I looked all over the beautiful city.

Afterwards I went to the Big Ben. It was a beautiful building and I took many pictures.

I had of course to visit the famous wax museume Madame Tussaudes. The wax people looked just like real people, but some of them had freakey eyes. But it was great fun! I was there for many hours until I wanted something to eat.

I went back to the hotel to take a shower and get dressed for dinner. On the way back to the hotel I saw the famous actor Daniel Radcliffe, who plays in the Harry Potter films. I had to ask him for an autograph. I have never met a celebrity before, and it was quite shocking that I should see him!

Anyway, tomorrow I will go shopping in the Oxford street, and be looking for new celebrities. Maybe I should go to a musical to see Cats, too!


I stay in a hotel in New Delhi, which is the capital of India. It is incredibly exciting to be in such a country. They have a different culture, and they are dressed very different from us. The women dress in sharis and they have a dot in their forhead, which is called a fold mark.

The religion in India is Hindu, about 83% of the population are Hindus. And there are quite a few people, because it is approximately 1.13 billion people in India. It is the world's second most populous country and the world's largest democracy. It is a completely different climate down here. It is very hot!

I walked in the street Rajpath and saw the great triumphal arch. There is a 42 meter high monument to Indian soldiers who lost their lives during 1. world war and the wars against Afghanistan.

And I was of course in the Lotus Temple that is on the Indian Bahá'í Temple or the Baha'i House of Worship, it is located in southern New Delhi, among green gardens and fountains. The temple was actually shaped like a lotus flower, and it was very beatiful.

I was on a restaurant and tasted Kitchir, it was apparently one of India's national meals. India is famous for spicy food and rice. The food was very good!

Although there is a fine country, but it is a big differences between rich and poor. There are many people who live on the streets, and it is very sad to see. I'm glad I live in Norway.

Tomorrow I will travel to the famous building Taj Mahal, located in a city called Agra,it is around 2 hours drive from Delhi. Taj Mahal is the most famous buildings in India. It is a very beautiful building.

And it is of course a love story behind this building. It was Mongul ruler Shahjahan who built Taj Mahal in memory of his favorite wife Arjumand Bano Bengam, who also was called Mumtaz-i-Mahal. She died only 39 years old, when she gave birth to a daughter, Gauhara Begum, who was Shahjahan's 14th child. It is said that the last Arjumand said before she died, was that she wanted her husband to build a building more beautiful than any building the world had seen before. In order to fulfill his wife's last wish, he started to build the Taj Mahal, one year after his wife's death.

I am looking forward to tomorrw!